Victoria’s 1st week of believing…

Victoria checked in with an update on how believing things will come to fruition for her was coming along. In her words:

“I really don’t know HOW to convey what I am doing in words. I have always just done this exercise in my life and pushed my way through. This is a different process.

 After declaring my manifestation list of wealth, I realized my own son had taken a good amount of money out of my personal checking account; without asking, without my knowledge, without my approval. 

For the last several years I have provided my sons with all the things I could, because I finally was able to afford things.

I wanted to be able to show them With Good Hard Work and Effort-you should be able to reap some rewards.  I wasn’t aware they had not fully grasped the lesson of Hard Work & Effort , first and  foremost.  Instead,  they saw and received rewards developing a sense of entitlement.  

Time passed so quickly and now they are young men.  

The economic environment of our nation has hit me hard, just as many others have been financially side-lined in our society.  I have had to cut back on the extras and even on some necessities. Now I am  looking at all aspects to grow my wealth, not just monetarily, but all aspects of my life, so that I may know True Wealth…Wealth of Life.  

In the case with my sons,  I had not taken the time to explain to them that they needed to be more responsible in their own decision making when it comes to finances.  

I did tell things have gotten tougher financially, and that we would not be able to have all the luxuries we once had.  Although, I forgot to get them involved in the cutbacks.  I forgot to teach them the responsibility and accountability to not only themselves, but to me and our household…to be mindful. 

Since this incident last week,  I have sat with my son and explained the function of a “job”.   The process of holding a job, in which a person works (hopefully work hard and with effort) and for that work the person is “paid/rewarded” with a  return-financially/success/status, etc… 

I have realized that manifesting my own intentions is not just my doing…if I am not clear on what I do, how I do and what I stand for, it allows for others to stop, deplete or infringe upon me in ways that impede my life.  And then no matter what my true intention is with the Universe, I would not have been successful. I have taken responsibility for my dance with the universe and will not become a victim.”     

I love what Victoria had to say about her experience this past week. Believing, wanting and working toward what we say we want in our lives will definitely bring to the surface any part of us that is not in alignment with these intentions. It is all a process and each moment we have an opportunity to make a choice in how we want to travel this journey.

Thank you for sharing Victoria. And thank you for your words this morning in helping me to get through my own thoughts which hold me back and make me question the ability I have to make my own dreams come true. Love to you and to all!!!

One thought on “Victoria’s 1st week of believing…

  1. thank you both for showing us what “Faith” Looks Like its no longer just a word that most believe they have, like diamonds and pearls, not kept in a vault, rather Wearing them out in the Open, much love Rev. Emma Ynequez BodyNSoul Spiritual Massage Therapist/Ceremonial Minister

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